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Esmée Fairbairn Foundation

We aim to improve our natural world, secure a fairer future and strengthen the bonds in communities in the UK. We make unrestricted, core and project grants for charitable work in the UK.


Total reviews: 12

What was the overall relationship with the funder?
How successfully do you think this funder is accomplishing its goals as a funder?
How would you rate this funder's accessibility?
How many hours did your grant application take?

Median 10 hours

Top descriptors for this funder
8 Positive leader in the field
7 Builds relationships
7 Openminded
6 Friendly
6 Responsive
6 Understands nonprofits and issues

Latest Reviews

    Sep 26, 2019

    Funded for amount requested - applied in 2019

    Be totally open about what you can do, what you can't predict, and what mitigation you have in place. Also be user-centred, show that you have involved service users in your idea - prove that is needed.


    Positive leader in the field Culturally sensitive Friendly Understands nonprofits and issues Openminded Responsive


    What is your relationship with the funder for this experience?

    Current or former grantee

    If you were funded tell us the outcome

    Funded for amount requested

    What year was this experience?


    How would you rate this funder's accessibility?


    The first bit they're obviously going to be busy but once you get through rounds, they have more time, and then once you get a grant, they're on hand to listen and support for sure.

    How successfully do you think this funder is accomplishing its goals as a funder?


    Tell us one thing that this funder does really well

    It's looking at how to fund needs of organisations properly - more funders need to do that!

    If you had one piece of advice to give to this funder (about grantmaking or anything else), what would it be?

    Hire in experts so they can vet applications better, especially anything around tech for good.

    How was your relationship overall with the funder?


    If you believe the contents of this review are inappropriate please contact us via email.

    Aug 5, 2019

    Funded for amount requested - applied in 2019

    Really helpful grant advisor staff, with clear guidance.


    Positive leader in the field Gives more than money Insightful Friendly Builds relationships Understands nonprofits and issues Openminded Responsive


    What is your relationship with the funder for this experience?

    Current or former grantee

    If you were funded tell us the outcome

    Funded for amount requested

    What year was this experience?


    How would you rate this funder's accessibility?


    How successfully do you think this funder is accomplishing its goals as a funder?


    Tell us one thing that this funder does really well

    Good clear guidance, and very helpful grant advisor.

    How was your relationship overall with the funder?


    If you believe the contents of this review are inappropriate please contact us via email.

    Jul 17, 2019

    applied in 2019

    Read the guidelines very carefully and only apply if you feel your idea truly matches their aims


    Culturally sensitive Insightful


    What is your relationship with the funder for this experience?

    Applied and not funded

    If you were funded tell us the outcome

    What year was this experience?


    How would you rate this funder's accessibility?


    How successfully do you think this funder is accomplishing its goals as a funder?


    Tell us one thing that this funder does really well

    good website

    How was your relationship overall with the funder?


    If you believe the contents of this review are inappropriate please contact us via email.

    Jun 30, 2019

    Funded for amount requested - applied in 2017

    Be clear and open about exactly what you want and any challenges you're facing.


    Positive leader in the field Gives more than money Risk taker Insightful Builds relationships Understands nonprofits and issues Openminded


    What is your relationship with the funder for this experience?

    Current or former grantee

    If you were funded tell us the outcome

    Funded for amount requested

    What year was this experience?


    How would you rate this funder's accessibility?


    How successfully do you think this funder is accomplishing its goals as a funder?


    Tell us one thing that this funder does really well

    Having open and honest conversations about where things are going well and where challenges are. We don't feel any need to spin how things are going ( which we definitely do for some other funders)

    If you had one piece of advice to give to this funder (about grantmaking or anything else), what would it be?

    I get the sense that the team have a high caseload of grantees to manage and I wonder if you should either have more staff or less grantees. Also the grants+ program is amazing.

    How was your relationship overall with the funder?


    If you believe the contents of this review are inappropriate please contact us via email.

    Reply from Esmée Fairbairn Foundation

    Mar 22, 2023

    Thank you for taking the time to write a review, and glad to hear you had a great experience with Grants Plus!

    Jun 26, 2019

    Funded for amount requested - applied in 2019

    I found it really helpful that they track your impact based on outcomes. So, my advice would be to think a lot about what your outcomes will be, and how you can measure them. It sounds simple, but they are more outcomes-focused than other funders, and I found that enabled us to be flexible about how we achieved them. For example, after receiving some funding, we switched our delivery partner & made changes to the project, but the outcomes remained essentially the same & therefore Esmee Fairbairn were supportive and understanding.


    Positive leader in the field Culturally sensitive Insightful Friendly Builds relationships Gets nonprofits and issues Openminded Responsive


    What is your relationship with the funder for this experience?

    Current or former grantee

    If you were funded tell us the outcome

    Funded for amount requested

    What year was this experience?


    How would you rate this funder's accessibility?


    Their eligibility and requirements make it really clear whether a grant application should be made or not. Beyond that, once the funding is in, they\\\\\\'re collaborative and truly understood what we were trying to do.

    How successfully do you think this funder is accomplishing its goals as a funder?


    If they work with grantees the way they work with us, then I would say they're on the right track.

    Tell us one thing that this funder does really well

    Empathises very well with a project's vision and doesn't try to change the intervention without valid data or insights. Feels like we can tell them everything without having to feel like we'll be judged. That's so important in a funder.

    If you had one piece of advice to give to this funder (about grantmaking or anything else), what would it be?

    Once a project is funded keep doing what you do - stay interested and work collaboratively to see how a network can be brought to help a fundee.

    How was your relationship overall with the funder?


    If you believe the contents of this review are inappropriate please contact us via email.

    Reply from Esmée Fairbairn Foundation

    Mar 22, 2023

    Thank you for your feedback, it's very helpful to understand your perspective on outcomes.