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The Leathersellers’ Foundation

The Leathersellers’ Foundation provides a wide range of funding to UK registered Charities, Educational Institutions and University Students.


Total reviews: 0

What was the overall relationship with the funder?
How successfully do you think this funder is accomplishing its goals as a funder?
How would you rate this funder's accessibility?
How many hours did your grant application take?

Median hours

Top descriptors for this funder
1 Inadvertently exerts negative influence in the field
1 Doesn't understand nonprofits and issues
1 Bureaucratic

Latest Reviews

    Feb 5, 2024

    Other - applied in 2024

    This application process is in fact a race. You must prepare your application in advance and then be one of the first 45 applicants to press submit in order for your application to be reviewed by the trustees. You must clear your diary and be ready to apply quickly on the day.

    What is your relationship with the funder for this experience?

    Did not apply

    If you were funded tell us the outcome


    What year was this experience?


    How would you rate this funder's accessibility?


    The method of application excludes large groups of people. It doesn't feel very inclusive and nor does it guarantee the best fit applications make it through to review.

    How successfully do you think this funder is accomplishing its goals as a funder?


    A tighter criteria and more accessible process would be far more inclusive

    Tell us one thing that this funder does really well

    It is great that applications are reviewed so regularly

    If you had one piece of advice to give to this funder (about grantmaking or anything else), what would it be?

    Lose the race, focus the criteria

    How was your relationship overall with the funder?


    If you believe the contents of this review are inappropriate please contact us via email.